Case Management
Let us take care of the logistics so you can focus on recovery
We know just how overwhelming it can be navigating the world of health and community services, particularly if you haven’t needed to do so before. Rebound Rehab’s specialised case managers use a range of clinical knowledge and experience to provide support and care for following an accident or injury. This way, our participants can focus on their recovery while we take care of the logistics.
What We Offer
Case Management and Assessment
We work closely with our participants and their loved ones to make plans as they progress through life after an injury. Rebound Rehab understand the complexities of recovery and have a range of specialists available to consult and provide assistance across rehabilitation, assessments, identification of services, counselling and therapy. This means that as participant needs change, our case management services change with them. Our focus is on supporting independence and finding the best solutions our participants.
New Discharge
Rebound Rehab can provide help and advice throughout the process of being discharged from hospital, rehabilitation and returning home. Our occupational therapists assist in the transition home, working closely with participants to set their goals for recovery. We can provide assessments and therapy services and offer support to help participants become more independent in every aspect of daily life.
Episodic Case Management Services
Our episodic case management involves the comprehensive integration of services for support over a short period of time. Rebound Rehab offer a range of single service assessments to assist participants, including development of return to work plans, Functional Capacity Evaluations, and a variety of workplace-related assessments, such as vocational assessments, transferrable skills analyses, and workstation and ergonomic assessments.