Assessments To Support You At Work
National Panel Of Assessors
Are you unsure on how to make the necessary changes to your workplace to support an employee with a disability? Then Rebound Rehab might be able to help.
The National Panel of Assessors includes a range of assessment services to assist people with disability who are seeking employment or maintaining sustainable employment.

What We Offer
Workplace Modification Assessments
Atlas Rehab consultants assess workplaces to determine the support both a business and an employee might need. In all these assessments, we ensure the goals of employers and participants are aligned.
Consultation is the key to achieving a successful workplace. We develop functional capacity evaluations to determine the level of support available, whether it is ongoing support, a supported wage system or workplace modifications.
Ongoing Support Assessment
Rebound Rehab consultants assess the need for employee supports whilst an employee is at work. We want to make sure that our participants are getting the right service delivered at the right time.
We can assess participants to make sure that they are getting the right levels of support to maintain employment. Rebound Rehab completes these assessments in a timely and friendly manner
Supported Wage Assessments
National Panel of Assessors Consultants are experienced with “on the job” assessment to make sure that an accurate representation of employee productivity is calculated and negotiated with employees and employer.
Our consultants are able to complete task analysis, general problem solving and solid communication to negotiate a supported wage assessment. We understand the importance of maintaining employment and have consultants experienced in working with participants and employers to assess workplace capabilities.
Need a workplace assessment for your employee?
If you have a workplace participant who needs review of their workplace to assist them to work within their role, you can make a request through your job network provider or directly through the governments Job Access Service who will assign the assessment to a National Panel of Assessors member to review the workplace.